Free Gratitude and manifestation

As we start a new week I am making an active decision to ‘think’ on purpose and to harness the amazing power of my mind by becoming aware of my thoughts.

It might seem basic but I have learned that by controlling my thoughts and becoming aware of what I am thinking about has changed my life. Each day I want to give my attention and focused thought to 3 things I am thankful for and 3 things I want to manifest.
I think it is better to choose the same time everyday to be habitually thankful. Start this routine with me today; write down 3 things that made you feel grateful today. 
Practice being thankful for the little things in life; remember how rich you are daily. As the old saying goes your health is your wealth, rejoice in the good health you have. Or simply say thank you for your family, friends, companions and animals that share your life. Or be just thankful that you have this time right now to reflect, your time is your own and that is priceless.
The next thing I want to share is my wishing stones manifestation hypnosis, this is a short hypnosis I designed for myself to wish for 3 things I want to attract into my life. It is a very powerful tool to visualize what goals or opportunities you want to attract, use the power of visualization to manifest these things into your reality. I have created this short audio download that I listen too before I fall asleep at night and I also use it when I get up in the morning. 
It is best to listen too it with headphones in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Just allow the power of your imagination to visualize your hearts desire coming to fruition. 
Good luck…..

May 19, 2016


Audio, Hypnosis