Emotional day at Easons
My heart is filled with affection and pure admiration for the many fellow pain champions that I met over the recent few days.
When you have persistent pain it is so hard to often get out and about and do normal things that many take for granted. Today I met the most remarkable, resilient and dare I say it “healthy” looking people who took the time to meet me at Easons. I was truly overwhelmed. It was like we were old friends, we seemed to instantly connect, almost like we speak an unspoken language, immediately there is a bond, a kinship of a shared experience that no one could understand unless you have lived it.
I cried in my car driving home tonight because I believed I lived and suffered alone in my pain, I had never heard about anyone else talking about ‘chronic pain’. It was only after a brilliant pain management course that I bonded with so many of my now very good ‘pain friends’. I feel so blessed and thankful I trusted my gut on sharing my deeply personal story, it isn’t always flattering or pretty but it is written from the heart and honest. The response I have received through emails on my website, through my Facebook private messages, texts and messages in person while out and about signing books has brought me to tears.
It confirmed to me why I wrote this book. It is dedicated to everyone who lives and has to deal with pain. Despite the massive increase in pain during this unprecedented book launch week, I feel galvanized into action, to fight on and not suffer in secret, in silence, unnoticed by society because our pain is REAL although it isn’t visible. We cannot be overlooked or glossed over as unimportant or worse still fictitious. It is time for people who suffer persistent chronic pain, regardless of the cause to be treated with the same urgency as any other patient with a serious debilitating chronic medical condition. Lets be part of the change.
Thank you to all the people who have reminded me I am not alone, we are not alone and together we stand stronger as a united voice.
#PainFreeLife is a basic human right!
Mary goodall
February 24, 2016 at 11:23 pmI am going to another gp for a ” second opinion” ( it not actually a second opinion because I haven’t been diagnosed with anything… God forbid my doc would give a sh@&) .. because I’m not embarrassed anymore.. I don’t think I’ve munchouseng (spelt wrong) I’m taking my pain serious and regardless of what doc and work think it is not all In my head. I am scouting for a doc who is interested in helping me… I am on 125mg of an anti seizure drug which has not eased the pains yet but make me slightly stoned… I want real long-term solutions not more pills… If anyone has any suggestions or knows of any docs or clinics in or around Kerry let me know !
Niamh Kelly Paillard
April 10, 2016 at 11:04 amOh Mary check out Chronic pain Ireland. You can contact them anytime and you’ll surely get some info. But regardless know you are not alone I believe that is a great help
aisling murphy wall
March 22, 2016 at 11:11 pmMy daughter (24)has recently been diagnosed with ehlers danlos syndrome (a connective tissue disorder of the collagen in cells) and what a relief to know whats going on for her because it all makes sense in relation to her ailments. Chiari malformation is a possibility with this disorder too. The chronic pain you have endured and managed Andrea has helped me understand her journey. She is reading it soon. A big thankyou for the connections to CPI also. a grateful mom.
blessings on you and family